Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
40 Dubs or 80 Singles
10 Sec Hang
10M Samson Stretch
40 Dubs or 80 Singles
10M Froggers
10M Quad Stretch Toe Touch
40 Dubs or 80 Singles
10 Beat Swings
4 Snatch Grip Rig Raises
8 Cossack Squats (4 each leg)
OHS Week 2 of 9 — (remember to use the shared spreadsheet to immediately calculate your numbers)
40% 1×5
50% 1×5
60% 1×3
70% 1×3
80% 1×3
90% 1×3+
70% 3×5
After 90% Superset
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Superman
Partner WOD: 2 Rounds
100 WallBalls
80 Situps with Wallball
600M Run with WallBall (one partner carries at a time, transfer when needed)
40 Overhead Lunges with WallBall
20 Burpees with Wallballs