
Calisthenics – Mon, Jan 20

Swamp City Fitness – Calisthenics


Jog in place x5-10 reps each side

High knees x5-10 reps each side

Windmills x5-10 reps total

Jog in place x5-10 reps each side

Butt kickers x5-10 reps each side

Windmills x5-10 reps total

Jog in place x5-10 reps each side

Inside ankle taps x5-10 reps each side

Quarter squats x5-10 reps

Good mornings x5-10 reps

Jog in place x5-10 reps each side

Outside ankle taps x5-10 reps each side

Quarter squats x5-10 reps

Good mornings x5-10 reps

Knee plank wrist rotations x3-5 reps each direction

Knee plank scapular push-ups x3-5 reps

Body row retractions x3-5 reps each grip (pronated, neutral, supinated)

PVC Pipe rotations x2-3 reps each direction

5 minutes:

Push-ups x5-10 reps

Squats x5-10 reps

Body rows x5-10 reps

Pull-ups x5-10 reps

Lunges x5-10 reps total

Dips x5-10 reps

Jumping squats with triple extension x5-10 reps

1-2 sets

Front lever progression hold x10-20 seconds

Back lever progression hold x10-20 seconds

Handstand progression hold x10-20 seconds

Planche progression hold x10-20 seconds

L-Sit progression hold x10-20 seconds

1-2 sets

Free play x5 minutes


Circuit: 15 minutes

Front lever hold x3-5 seconds

Back lever hold x3-5 seconds

Planche hold x3-5 seconds

Handstand hold x3-5 seconds

L-Sit/V-Sit hold x3-5 seconds

2-3 sets, last set 5-10 seconds each

Circuit: 15 minutes


Front lever touch hold x3-5 seconds

Front lever pull-ups x3-5 reps

Front lever hold x3-5 seconds

Back lever pull-ups x3-5 reps

Back lever hold x3-5 seconds

Planche touch hold x3-5 seconds

Planche push-ups x3-5 reps

Planche hold x3-5 seconds

Handstand push-ups x3-5 reps

Handstand hold x3-5 seconds

Windshield wipers x3-5 reps each side

Knee extensions x3-5 reps

L-Sit hold x3-5 seconds

2-3 sets

Free play (if time) x5 minutes


Circuit: 10 minutes

Explosive pull-ups x3-5 reps

Horizontal jumps x3-5 reps

Vertical jumps x3-5 reps

Explosive dips or push-ups x3-5 reps

Single leg squats x3-5 reps each side

2-3 sets

Strength Endurance

Circuit: 2-3 minutes

Bodyweight curl x3-5 reps

Bodyweight overhead tricep extensions x5-10 reps

Glute bridge walks x5 reps each side

1 set

Circuit: 8 minutes

Pull-ups any variation x5-20 reps

Squats any variation x5-20 reps

Dips or push-ups any variation x5-20 reps

Side lunges x5-20 reps total

Side to sides x5-20 reps total

1-2 sets

Max handstand, wall handstand, or pike hold

1 set

Circuit: 2-3 minutes

Bodyweight curl x3-5 reps

Bodyweight overhead tricep extensions x5-10 reps

Glute bridge walks x5 reps each side

1-2 sets


AMRAP: 8 minutes

Jog 50m

Jog in place x25 reps each side

Mountain climbers x5 reps each side

Jumping jacks x5 reps

Mountain climbers x5 reps each side

Core and Compression

Straddle compression x3-5 reps with a 3-5 second hold on the last rep

Sit-ups x15+ seconds

Alternating sit-ups x15+ seconds

Alternating crunches x15+ seconds

Floor leg raises or tuck knee raises x15+ seconds

Feet together compressions x3-5 reps with a 3-5 second hold at the last rep

Tuck or hollow body hold x15+ seconds

Side plank x15+ seconds

1-2 sets

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