Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
500M Row
10 Sec Hang
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 Round the Worlds (each direction)
10 Twisting Knee Raises w/pvc
4 Slow & Lows
10 Beat Swings
4 Rig Raises
10 Stationary Samson Stretches
4 Quad Stretch Toe Touches
Week 3 of 9 Week Overhead Squat Cycle
40% 1×5
50% 1×5
60% 1×3
75% 1×5
85% 1×3
95% 1×1+
75% 3×5
@ 95% begin super setting:
20 Crunches
10 Jumping Lunges
Go Gators Partner WOD
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
20 Burpees Over Bar
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
30 Tire Flips
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
40 Slam Balls
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
50 Pull Ups
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
60 Push Ups
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
70 Wallball Situps
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
80 Jumping Jacks
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
90 Walking Lunges
2 Snatches (115/75) (each partner)
1000M Row