
Swamp City WOD – Thu, Aug 1

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


Warm Up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation

8:00 AMRAP

5 Dynamic Squat Stretches

5 Wall Balls (light)

10 Box Step Ups

5 GHDs (or V-Ups)

10 Ring Rows

2. Workout Prep

2 sets:

5 Wall Balls

3 Box Jumps

5 GHDs

1 Rope Climb, half way (or 5 Elevated Ring Rings)


Protector – Firefighters (Time)

Freedom (RX’d)

For time:

30 Wall Ball (20/14)

50 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

30 Wall Ball (20/14)

50 GHD Sit Ups (Or V-Ups)

30 Wall Ball (20/14)

6 Rope Climbs
 (Or 30 Elevated Ring Rows)

(KG conv: 9/6 WB)


For time:

25 Wall Ball (20/14)

40 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

25 Wall Ball (20/14)

40 GHD Sit Ups + 6in Riser (Or V-Ups)

25 Wall Ball (20/14)

4 Rope Climbs (Or 20 Elevated Ring Rows)

(KG conv: 9/6 WB)


For time:

20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light)

40 Box Step Ups (20/16)

30 Wall Ball Thrusters (light)

40 Sit Ups

30 Wall Ball Thrusters (light)

6 Lay-Stand-Lay Rope Climbs (Or 30 Ring Rows)

Target time: 12-14 minutes

Time cap: 20 minutes


Strict Pull-ups: Week 2 (Checkmark)


3 rounds of:

20 Scap Pulls [Hanging Shrugs] into 20-second Dead Hang

Followed by 5 Strict or Box Assist pull-ups

–rest 90 seconds between sets–


3 rounds of:

10 Scap Pulls [Hanging Shrugs] into 10-second Dead Hang

Followed by 3-5 Strict or Box Assist Pull Ups

–rest 90 seconds between sets–


3 rounds of:

10 Scap Pulls [Hanging Shrugs] into 5-second Dead Hang

Followed by 2 Box Assist pull-ups

–rest 90 seconds between sets–


Mobility (No Measure)

3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)

1 Min Calf Foam Rolling

20 Scorpion Kicks (each side)

2x 8 Bretzel

Note: the easy cardio portion should be done immediately post workout to help your body recover from the workout. The stretching can then be done together as a group, time permitting, or on your own as homework. Stretch videos are available in the athlete notes.
Calf Foam Rolling

Scorpion Kicks



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