Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
200M Run
40 Jumping Jacks
5 Stationary Inch Worms
10 Side Lunges
4 Slow and Lows
3 Quad Stretch Toe Touch (each leg)
40 Jumping Jacks
10 Beat Swings
10 Starfish Toe Touches
10M Froggers
10M Bear Crawl
10 Beat Swings
30 Sec Couch Stretch (each leg)
30 Sec Ankle Stretch on bench (each leg)
4 Wide Grip Rig Raises
25 min of Handstand and Pistol Work
18 Min AMRAP
200M Run
20 Sit Ups w/Plate (45/25)
15 Pull Ups
10 Ring Dips, Bar, or Bench
15M Tire Drag
100M Sled Push (3/2) Plates