Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD
60 jumping jacks
10 push-ups
10 lemon squeezers
10 beat swings
40 jumping jacks
10 pike push-up with leg kick
5 rig raises-narrow grip
10 kipping beat swings
20 jumping jacks
Skill-Double Unders and Core
In between double under attempts/practice, complete:
100 sit-ups
100 leg raises over KB
100 lemon squeezers
100 russian twists with KB
**For those proficient at DU, do:
“Flight Simulator”
18 minute AMRAP
3 bar muscle ups (or 3 pull-ups/ring rows + 3 ring dips)
6 tire flips
100m sled push
3 wall-walks
6 hammer strikes each arm