Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
400m run
:10 hang
5 quad stretch toe touch/leg
10m duck walk
10m Samson stretch
5 slow and lows
10 cossack squats
10 beat swings
10 good mornings
5 burpees
5 berzerker lunges
:30 couch stretch/leg
:30 ankle stretch/leg
Back Squat (3 x 3)
3 sets of 3 @ 87-90% of 1RM superset with:
30 lemon squeezers
30 plank dips
I gave a percentage range depending on how you are feeling on back squats and just overall. Last week to go heavy! We will deload next week and then try and hit a new 1 RM the following week!!
Log your weights!!!
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 minute AMRAP
3 Wall walks
9 Bar-facing burpees
12 Shoulder to overhead (75/55)
30 DU/ 60 SU