
Swamp City WOD – Fri, Aug 11

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Warm Up

400M Row

10 Beat Swings

10 Squats

10 Push Ups

10 Lunges

6 Down Dog Push Ups

10 Beat Swings

10 Twists with Knee Raises

10 Toy Soldiers

10 90/90’s

2 Slow and Lows

3 Quad Stretch Toe Touches


Week 4 of 6

Back Squats 7 Reps of the Following:

2 Rounds @ 45% of 1RM

2 Rounds @ 55% of 1RM

2 Rounds @ 65% of 1RM

Superset the Following:

14 Single Leg Calf Raises (KB or DB)

14 Hex/Trap Bar Shrugs or KB Shrugs

ME DB or EZ Bar Tricep Ext

Note: Start with Squats, End with Squats. The superset work is only 5 rounds.

Hildy (Time)

For Time:

100-calorie row

75 thrusters, 45-lb. barbell

50 pull-ups

75 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball

100-calorie row

If you’ve got a 20-lb. vest or body armor, wear it.
Army Spc. Hilda Clayton, 22, of Augusta, Georgia, died from injuries sustained when a mortar malfunctioned during an Afghan National Army training exercise in Qaraghahi, Afghanistan. Clayton, assigned to the 55th Signal Company and the 21st Signal Brigade in Fort Meade, Maryland, was providing Combat Camera support at the time of her death.

She is survived by her husband, Chase Clayton.
To learn more about Hildy click here

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