This Saturday, Sep 16th the 9am WOD is at 10am. Oly is regular time. We are hosting the Gainesville Women’s Roller Derby Team, the Gainesville Roller Rebels this Saturday at 9am. Should be a fun group to spread the word about our awesome gym! Wish our coaches luck and we will see you at 10am!
Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
Warm Up
800M Row
10 Beat Swings
PVC Routine
10 OHS
10 Sot Presses
10 OHL (5 each leg)
10 Beat Swings
Week 2 of 5
55% of 1RM (snatch) Perform the following as a Complex:
4 Rounds:
2 Snatch Grip Lift Offs with 2 sec pause
3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (slow)
4 Snatch Grip High Pulls
Superset: (from the rack with second bar)
55% of 1RM (santch)
4 Snatch Grip Push Press from Back Rack
Metcon (Time)
12 Dips
2 Snatches (50% of 1RM)
2 Burpees Over the Bar
2 Snatches
4 Burpees Over the Bar
2 Snatches
2 OHL (Each Leg)
6 Burpees Over Bar
12 Dips