Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
Warm Up
400M Row
10 Starfish Toe Touch
10M Forward Scoops
10M Samson Stretch
10 Beat Swings
40 Jumping Jacks
3 Slow and Lows
6 Pike Push Ups
10 Beat Swings
Handstand Work
Learning Stone And Sandbag to Shoulders, Holds, Carries
Yippee-Ki-Yay (Time)
2 Partner Teams
4 Rounds for time:
20M Sandbag Carry (75/40)
5 Sandbag to Shoulder (75/40)
30M Plate Carry (25/15)
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
40M KB Carry (53/35)
15 KB Swings (53/35)
50M Partner Carries