
2 Days to the Race

Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD


PVC warm up routine

5 berzerker lunges

10M duck walk

10M bear crawl

5 slow and lows

20 lemon squeezers

20 supermans

5 jumping berzerker lunges


12 min EMOM

Min 1: 4 Turkish get ups (2/side-go a little heavier than normal??)

Min 2: 10 strict T2B/Knee Raises

Min 3: :45 plank


For Time

50 American KBS

40M KB lunge

30 KB goblet squats

20 burpees

10 single KB thruster

20 burpees

30 KB goblet squats

40M KB lunge

50 American KBS

**KB 53/35

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