
Calisthenics – Wed, May 3

Swamp City Fitness – Calisthenics


Wrist rotations x4-8 reps each direction

Elbow rotations x4-8 reps each direction

Shoulder rotations x4-8 reps each direction

High knees x5 reps each side

Butt kickers x5 reps each side

Inside ankle taps x5 reps each side

Outside ankle taps x5 reps each side

Front to back hops x10 reps each side

Side to side hops x10 reps each side

Plank, lightly lean back and forth x5 slow reps of each

Plank to pike x5 reps

Push-ups or incline push-ups x5-10 reps

Quarter squats x8 reps

Quarter squats to High knee x4 reps each side

Quarter squat with lightly explosive jump and light landing x8 reps

Body rows x10 reps normal

Body rows x8 reps narrow

Body rows x8 reps wide

Dead hang x10 seconds

Hanging scapular shrugs x4 reps

Hanging retractions x4 reps

Pull-ups or pull-up negatives x4 reps

P-bar scapular shrugs x4 reps

P-bar scapular protractions x4 reps

Dips or dip negatives x4 reps

Jog 100m x1 lap


(These can be done banded or negative)


Narrow pull-ups x2-4 reps

Partner goes

Wide pull-ups x2-4 reps

Partner goes

2 sets

Chin-ups x2-8 reps

Partner goes

1 set

Dips x2-4 reps (Tricep dips and dip negatives)

Partner goes

3 sets each

As a class:

Horizontal jumps x4 reps

3 sets with a 10 second rest

Vertical jumps x4 reps

3 sets with a 15 second rest

Single leg balance x10 seconds each side

Single leg balance x10 seconds chin up each side

Single leg balance x10 seconds eyes closed each side

3 sets


3-7 minutes

Dynamic intro up to swing 180s:

Jump and spin, spot something, spin left and right, find comfortable spin direction

Jump 360 and grab the bar at around chest height, bar shouldn’t be higher than chest

Swinging, train proper technique and full range of motion

180s, introduce flow, connecting the movements

3-7 minutes

Handstand intro – hand placement, shoulder shrug, lean shoulders right over or in front of palms, wall handstands, pike hold

3-7 minutes

Cartwheel Intro – introduce left or right side feeling more natural, one foot off the ground, then one hand on the floor, then first foot moves towards your outside hand, then your second first hops from the ground to the other side next to your first foot



Pike hold x10 seconds

Partner goes

Pike push-ups x5-15 reps

Partner goes

2 sets

Squats x5 reps


Side lunges x4 reps each side

3 sets with a 20 second rest

Triple set:

Body rows x8 reps narrow normal or wide

Push-ups or incline push-ups x5 reps narrow normal or wide

Quarter squats x8 reps narrow normal or wide

3 sets with a 15-30 second rest


Hanging, parallel bar, or floor knee raises – light explanation on connecting them, minor importance x4-8 reps

Partner goes

2 sets

Straight arm plank x10 seconds

Partner goes

Forearm plank x10 seconds

Partner goes

2 sets

Sit-ups x4-8 reps

Partner goes

3 sets


High knees x8 reps each side

Butt kickers x8 reps each side

Jog around gym and back to spot x1 lap

Inside ankle taps x8 reps each side

Outside ankle taps x8 reps each side

Jog around gym and back to spot x1 lap

2 sets with a 15-30 second rest

Cool Down

Straddle reach for center x30+ seconds

Feet together reach for your toes x30+ seconds

Single arm wrist stretch x30+ seconds each side

Single arm reverse wrist stretch x30+ seconds each side

Single leg quad stretch x30+ seconds each side

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