
Clean and Jerk 6/24/2021

Swamp City Fitness – Olympic Weightlifting


PVC Pass Through x10

PVC Around the World 10 each way

Squat Stretch against Rig

Clean Pull, muscle clean, front squat, overhead press(10 reps each)

KB alternating Z Press 3×8-12


Depending on performance and sessions this week, pick 1 or 2 of the below movements:

Wendler Week 8 Deload (40% 1×5, 50% 1×5, 60% 1×5)

Deadlift, Bench Press, Strict Press, Back Squat


Clean Pull pause+Low Hang Clean +Jerk 70% 1+1+1×5

Clean and Jerk, singles 60% x1, 70% x1, 75% x1, 80% x3

Jerk from Rack 75% 2×3


Pick 2 of the 3:

Pendlay Row 3 sets to failure

Push Press 50% 1RM 3×10

Front Squat 50% 1RM 3×10

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