Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
400m run or row
:10 hang
50 lateral hops over line
10 beat swings
5 quad stretch toe touch/leg
10 good mornings
5 wide grip rig raises
50 lateral hops over line
10 burpees
5 slow and lows
10 kipping beat swings
50 lateral hops over line
:30 couch stretch/leg
:30 ankle stretch on bench/leg
Front Squat (4 x 4)
See Monday’s note about weight increase.
Superset with:
15 Russian KBS (maybe go a little heavier than you do for American)
30 crossbody mountain climbers
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds:
10 Clean and Jerks 135/95
15 T2B
20 Burpees
Time Cap 14 min
Fitness: 95/65, K2C or kipping L raise
Scaled: 5 Hang clean and push press @ 65/45, 15 knee raises, 20 burpees