
Hawt Fire 11-18

Primus Fitness – PrimusFit



Skills EMOM 10′ (2 sets of the following)

-1-2 rope climbs

-50m KB farmer’s carry

-20-25 double-unders (or 30 seconds of DU attempts)

-6 reverse burpees

-8 pistols (any variant you can do)


Buy-in: 25 single dumbbell squats (50/35)

3 rounds:

20/18 calorie row (guys/girls)

25m overhead single arm DB walking lunges

15 wall balls

25m overhead single arm DB walking lunges

5 burpees

40″ planking

Cash-out: 25 in-and-outs (15/10)

Notes: For the DB overhead lunges, go light! This is harder than you think. 20/18 calories is guys/girls. DB squats is basically a goblet squat.


3 rounds / 90″ rest

Heavy farmers carry bars + 7 heavy American kettlebell swings (72/53)

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