Tomorrow, Monday September 4th is Labor Day. A lot of you are newer members. On Holidays we have Holiday WOD’s @ 9am which are designed to get us all together for a fun challenging workout and then we can go enjoy the Holiday knowing we burned off all the calories we are likely to enjoy on the Holiday. You do not have to sign in or reserve and ALL Members are welcome including our Open Gym Members. You can invite friends and family to join you for Free. 9am can be early for some of you so set your alarms, get up, and get in here. Lets get the family together, have some fun, and earn our Holiday Eats!
Swamp City Fitness – Holiday WOD
Warm Up
Pond Run
20M Samson Stretch
10M Inchworms
10 Beat Swings
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Side Lunges
30 Jumping Jacks
2 Slow and Lows
10 Beat Swings
3 Quad Stretch Toe Touch (each leg)
10 Jumping Lunges
10 Down Dog Pushups
20 Skater Hops
LABOR DAY 2023 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
35 Min AMRAP, 2 Partner WOD
Partner 1:
8 Thrusters (135/95) or scale to DB
3 Rope Climbs or Up Downs
12 Box Jumps or Step Ups
Partner 2:
400M Run with a Wallball (20/14)
*When Partner 2 gets back from the Run they will switch with Partner 1 picking up where they left off on the AMRAP. Be sure to mark rounds and reps.