Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
600m Run
Samson Stretch 10m
Bear Crawl 10m
Lateral Lunge alt side 10m
Inch worm 10m
10s hang
10 rep squat hold arm opener
Circuit 1: DB RDL, DB Front Squat 10 reps each x3
Circuit 2: Hanging Scap shrugs, DB press 10 reps each x3
catch up on your missed 1rm attempts
do 5×8 Overhead squat
Front Squat (1 rep max)
Push Press (1 rep max)
Back Rack Lunge (1 rep max each leg)
Overhead Squat (5×8)
Partner WOD; 1 person working at a time
Alt DB Snatch (light to mod weight)
15/10 Cal bike after each round
Rest 3 minutes
Alt DB snatch (mod to heavy weight)
15/10 cal bike after each round
Scale snatch to KB swing if needed