
Singles Saturday

Swamp City Fitness – Olympic Weightlifting


PVC and burgener warm up

Snatch Primer: once with empty bar, once with weight

2 Snatch Lift Off

2 Snatch Pull

2 Muscle Snatch

2 Snatch Balance

1 three position snatch


Snatch (8×2 every 90 seconds)

Build up to a heavy double, around 85-90% of your 1rm

90 second clock for 8 rounds

Clean and Jerk (8x (1+2 ) every 90 seconds)

Build up to a challening weight, aim for 80%

1 set is 1 clean+2 jerks

Every 90 seconds for 8 rounds


Front Squat (Week 7)

Our Final Increase, this week we want to add between 5-10 lbs to our value performed at week 4 to have a slightly higher %

40% 1×5

50% 1×5

60% 1×3

65% 1×5

75% 1×5

85% 1×5+

65% 3×5

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