
Snatch balances and jerks

Swamp City Fitness – Olympic Weightlifting


– 3 minutes of something cardio to warm up (run, row, bike)

Mobility Warm Up

1: Around the world and pass throughs 10 reps each

2: Squat Therapy: 20 reps

3: Cossack Squat: 10 reps each side

– Warm up circuit for 3 rounds:

1: Empty Bar RDL: 10 reps

2: Empty Bar Front Squat: 10 reps

3: Empty Bar Strict Press: 10 reps


Snatch Balance (5 sets of 3)

Hang Power Clean (5 sets of 3)

Split Jerk (5 sets of 3)


Front Squat (5*5)

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