
Snatch Work 7/7/22

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


400M Run or Row

5 Slow and Lows

5 Berserker Lunges

10 Sec Dead Hang

10M Bear Crawl

10M Monkey Crawl

10 Beat Swings

5 Jumping Berserker Lunges

5 Pike Push Ups

3 Quad Stretch Toe Touch (each leg)

10 Kipping Beat Swings


Burgener Warm-up w/PVC

Burgener Warm-up Empty Bar

Those of you more proficient with Snatch Begin working up to 60% of your 1RM and work on the following complex:

3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts

3 Snatch Grip High Pulls

3 High Hang Snatches

3 Snatches


4 Rounds:

2 Wall Walks

4 Snatches

6 Burpees over Bar

8 Wall Balls

4 Pull Ups

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