
Wednesday July 6, 2022

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


400m run

:10 hang

5 quad stretch toe touch/leg

10m inchworm

10m samson stretch

10 beat swings

5 burpees

5 narrow grip rig raises

5 slow and lows

10 pike push up with a leg kick

10 kipping beat swings

5 berzerker lunges

10 good mornings

200m run

Push Press (4 x 6)

Use the same weight as last week!

Superset with:

10 dips (ring, bar or bench)

10 empty BB curls

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Min AMRAP

250M Row

30 Sit Ups

10 Dead Lifts (225/155)

2 Turkish Get-Ups (each side) (35/20)

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