
Snatch Your Weekend 8/26/22

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


400M Run

10M Bear Crawl

10M Samson Stretch

10M Froggers

10M Toy Soldiers

10M Berzerker Lunges

10M Burpee Broad Jumps

10M Duck Walks

10M Inchworms

10M Forward Scoops

200M Run

Shoulder Circles, hugs

10 Beat Swings


Overhead Squat from Rack, 531 Week 1

I expect a lot of you do not know what your OH Squat 1RM is. That’s ok. For those of you who know your snatch 1RM we can begin with that. Those of you who do not know what that is either we will work throughout this cycle to learn more and develop a better understanding of the movement, where we are with it, and why we do it. (Keep in mind we have a dedicated Olympic Weightlifting class solely designed to teach you these movements for your benefit. Please utilize it.)

40% 1×5

55% 1×5

65% 1×3

75% 1×5

85% 1×5+max effort

65% 3×5

Starting at 85% Superset

25 Push Ups

25 Ab Mat Sit Ups


4 Rounds for time:

50 Dubs or 100 Singles

4 Snatches (135/95)

2 Muscle Ups, or 4 Chest 2 Bar + 4 Ring Dips, or 8 Strict Pull Ups + 8 Bench Dips

5M Handstand Walk or 3 Wall Walks

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