
Clean and Jerk Day

Swamp City Fitness – Olympic Weightlifting


PVC routine, 10 reps of each: pass through, around the world, behind the neck press, overhead squat

Burgener Warm Up (synchro- everyone together, 5 each position)

Clean Primer:

2 lift off

2 muscle clean

2 Front squat

2 jerk

3 position clean to Jerk


Clean and Jerk (5 warm up sets, then 5 sets of the complex)

Clean Pull+ high hang clean + hang clean + low hang clean + Jerk

Push Press (531 Week 1)

Track the 85% set

40% 1×5

55% 1×5

65% 1×3

75% 1×5

85% 1×5+max effort

65% 3×5

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