
Swamp City WOD – Fri, Jun 9

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Warm Up


Week 5 of 9:

25 Min to Perform the following as a Superset at 70% of 95% of Your 1RM:



Front Squats

GHD’s start with 10, add 2 reps each round. Do GHD’s with every warm up round including the 5×5 rounds once you get to weight.

Ill Mill (Time)

5 Rounds for Time

500 meter row.

20 X KBS @ 70 lbs.

20 X push-ups.

20 X wall balls @ 20 lbs.

20 X pull-ups.

Learn More about Zackary Wilson Miller II and you can show support here:

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