
Swamp City WOD – Mon, Nov 13

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


300M Row

20 Situps

20 Jumping Jacks

10 Beat Swings

10M Samson Stretch

10M Inch Worms

10 Beat Swings

10 Push Ups

2 Slow and Lows

3 Quad Stretch Toe Touch (each leg)

12/10 Cal Bike


Week 5 of 6

25 Min to Complete: (Perform as much as possible)

Bench Press

ATTN: Grab someone to spot you starting at 85%

10 @ 45% +10

5 @ 65% +10

5 @ 75% +10

5 @ 75% +10

5 @ 75% +10


8 Bent over bar rows @75% of 1RM

8 Chin Ups (+ 15lb if you can do them strict)

Here is a link to a spreadsheet from Lift Vault that will do the calculations for you if you type in your 1RM. You will need to save it in your google drive in order to use it.

1-time exercise (Time)

4 Rounds for Time:

40 Dubs or 100 Singles

20 Wall Balls (20/24)

10 Pull Ups

3 Wall Walks

2 Rope Climbs

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