
Swamp City WOD – Sat, Aug 19


5:30am Classes Return this Monday Aug 21st. Please remember to pre-register by 10pm the night before for morning classes. Please also remember to sign into every class you attend, even classes you have pre-registered for. Welcome back UF and Sante Fe Students! We hope you had a great summer and let’s get back to work 😂💪

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Warm Up

5 rounds

10 band good morning

10m band side step

10 band pull aparts

10 band pass through

10 squat to toe touch

Bear Complex (Do the complex seven times, unbroken (without letting go of the bar or resting it on the ground) to complete one round.
Do five rounds, increasing the weight and resting as needed between each round to complete the workout. )

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Second Push Press

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