
Swamp City WOD – Mon, Aug 21


5:30am Classes Return this Monday Aug 21st. Please remember to pre-register by 10pm the night before for morning classes. Please also remember to sign into every class you attend, even classes you have pre-registered for. Welcome back UF and Sante Fe Students! We hope you had a great summer and let’s get back to work 😂💪

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Warm Up

200M Run

10 Beat Swings

10M Samson Stretch

10M Inchworms

200M Run

10 Beat Swings

10 Squats

10 Side Lunges

200M Run

10 Ring Rows

2 Slow and Lows

20 Skater Hops

3 Quad Stretch Toe Touch (each leg)


Week 6 of 6

Back Squats 7 Reps of the Following:

2 Rounds @ 65% of 1RM

2 Rounds @ 75% of 1RM

2 Rounds @ 85% of 1RM

Superset the Following:

ME Bent Over Row (bar or dumbbell)

ME Dumbbell Shoulder Press 70% of 1RM

Note: Start with Squats, End with Squats. The superset work is only 5 rounds

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Min AMRAP:

10 Box Jumps

10 Pull Ups

200M Run

20 KB Swings

20 Lunges

4 Rounds is the Goal

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