
Swamp City WOD – Thu, Apr 13

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Warm Up

20/15 Cal Bike or 400 Row

2 Rounds with Plate (15/10)

10 G2O

10 Tricep Extensions

10 Halos (both directions)

10 Twists w/Knee Raises

10 Squat Presses

10 Hip to Hip Over the Shoulder

10 Steering Wheel Turns

10 Good Mornings

10 Single Leg RDL’s

10 Side Lunges

10 OH Lunges


20 Min Thor’s Hammer Routine

Thor’s Hammer

12 Squeezy Clips

40M Farmer Carries (95’s/70’s)

ME Behind the Back Forearm Curls


20M Plate Carries (45’s/35’s)

2 Finger Bar Raises (Each Hand)

2 Mace, Raise the Flags

10 Finger Pulses w/rubber bands (each hand)

12 EZ bar reverse curls (25’s/15’s)

20Sec Mace, Wrist Rollers

10 Cable Wrist Curls

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Min AMRAP:

10 Slam Balls

10 KB Swings

10 Alternating Single Leg T2B

10 Burpees

200M Run

Total number of Reps. 200M Run counts as 10

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