Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
Warm Up
15/13 Cal on Bike
10 Beat Swings
PVC Routine
15/13 Cal on Bike
10 Beat Swings
10 Knees and Feet Together Squats
28 Min to work on the following:
Muscle Ups
Ring Dips
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
5M HS Walk or 20 Sec HS Hold on Wall
200M Run
10 Push Ups
10 Wall Balls
10 T2B
5M HS Walk or 20 Sec HS Hold on Wall
400M Run
20 Push Ups
20 Wall Balls
20 T2B
5M HS Walk or 20 Sec HS Hold on Wall
200M Run
10 Push Ups
10 Wall Balls
10 T2B