
Tabata…ish? February 23, 2022

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


50 DU/100 SU

:10 hang

5 narrow grip rig raises

10 good mornings

10 beat swings

50 DU/100 SU

5 slow and lows

10 kipping beat swings

10 jump squats

10 DB shoulder press

20 banded pull aparts in front

20 banded pull aparts behind the head

50 DU/100 SU

Push Press (1 x 5 @ 65%)

Push Press (1 x 5 @ 75%)

Push Press (1 x 5+ @ 85%)

Goal is 5 or more reps!

Log weights lifted for each set as well as the amount of reps you got for the last set!

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 rounds

:40 Max hang power cleans (75/55)

:20 Transition to next movement

:40 Max front squats (75/55)

:20 Transition

:40 Max DU/SU

:20 Transition
Keep a running total as your score is total reps after all 4 rounds

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