
Thorsday 7/28/22

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


16min AMRAP

Thor’s Hammer


20M Farmers Carry (70/53)

Empty Bar Reverse Curles

3 Up Downs on Rope

12 Squeezy Clips


15 min to work on Pull Ups, Muscle Ups, T2B Progressions

While working on progressions complete:

3 Rounds of 6 Weighted Pull Ups and 6 Pistols (3/leg)


For Time:

1000M Row

60 SitUps

20 Deadlifts (225/165)

500M Row

30 Situps

10 Deadlifts

250M Row

15 Situps

5 Deadlifts

Time Cap 25 min

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