Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD
16 minute AMRAP
Thor’s hammer
Farmer’s carry-1 lap around rig with 2 heavy KBs
30-25-40 hang
12 squeezy clips
Pinch plate carries
Reverse curls
Bro Sesh
Superset #1
3 x 10/arm leaning lateral dumbbell raises
3 x 10 BB supinated grip front raises (underhand grip)
Superset #2
3 x max rep chin-ups (supinated grip)
3 x 10/arm DB hammer curls
*In between sets, work on beat swings, kipping beat swings, pull-ups*
3 x 5 minute AMRAPs with 1 minute rest in b/w AMRAPs
5 burpees
10 sit-ups
15 slam balls