Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD
100 Jump Rope
4 Slow and Lows
4 Lateral Lunges (each leg)
10 Sec Hang
60 Jumping Jacks
8 Jumping Squats
20 Skater Hops
10 Beat Swings
100 Jump Rope
4 Berserker Lunges
20 Skater Hopes
10 Kipping Beat Swings
30 Sec Calf Stretch
4 Quad Stretch Toe Touch (each leg)
Bench Press & Wall Walks
Warm up to:
4 Sets of Heavy 8 Rep Bench
2 Wall Walks Between Sets
4 Rounds for time:
2 Cleans
4 Front Rack Lunges (each leg)
2 Muscle Ups + 2 Pull Ups + 2 T2B + 2 Knee Raises (add the reps you cannot do to those you can)
10M Handstand Walk