
BLAME LARRY…December 29, 2021

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


30 jumping jacks

:10 hang

10m inchworm

10m Samson stretch

10 beat swings

5 quad stretch toe touch

30 jumping jacks

10m duck walk

10m bear crawl

5 slow and lows

5 narrow grip rig raises

10 kipping beat swings

30 jumping jacks

Metcon (Time)


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58 Row calories or double pond run


11 Rounds of 5 reps and then 1 round of 3 reps of everything:

5 Deadlifts (95/65)

5 Hang power cleans

5 Shoulder to overhead

5 Back squats

5 Sledgehammer swings/each arm

5 American KBS (53/35)

5 Goblet Squats


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58 cal row or Double pond run PLUS once around the building to get ready for next year.
I am really not sure how long this will take. Ask Larry!!!! I am going to put a 40 minute cap on this.

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