Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD
400m run
5 quad stretch toe touch/leg
10 beat swings
5 slow and lows
10 lemon squeezers
5 narrow grip rig raises
10 kipping beat swings
:30 calf stretch/leg
:30 ankle stretch/leg
In between your bro sesh supersets, practice pistols.
Superset #1
3 x 10-12 barbell curls
3 x 20 banded tricep pulldowns
Superset #2
3 x 10 barbell front raises
3 x max reps strict pull-ups
Take about 1:30-2 minutes in between supersets to work on pistols
10 minute AMRAP
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12…
Toes to bar
Pistols (total)
*1 wall walk in between each set*
Ex. 2 T2B, 2 pistols, 1 wall walk; 4 T2B, 4 pistols, 1 wall walk…