Swamp City Fitness – Olympic Weightlifting
General Cardio Warm up for 3-5 minutes
PVC routine, 10 reps of each: pass through, around the world, behind the neck press, overhead squat
Burgener Warm Up (synchro- everyone together, 5 each position)
EMOM 5: 1 rep each
Clean Pull with pause
Front Squat
Split Squat
Clean and Jerk (8 sets of 2, 1 rep every 90s)
70-80% of your 1RM
Clean Pull (4 sets of 3)
Start at your 1RM clean
Superset (1 set warm up, 3 work sets to fatigue)
1: Z Press with KB
2: Strict Pull up/Band Assisted Pull Up (no ring rows allowed today)
3: Strict ttb or knee to chest