
Damn Renegade Rows…March 3, 2022

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


200m run

50 lateral hops over line

:10 hang

10 good mornings

5 narrow grip rig raises

10 beat swings

200m run

50 lateral hops over line

5 quad stretch toe touch/leg

5 slow and lows

10 pike push-up with leg kick

5 berzerker lunges

10 cossack squats

200m run

Back Rack Lunge (1 x 3/leg @ 70%)

Back Rack Lunge (1 x 3/leg @ 80%)

Back Rack Lunge (1 x 3+/leg @ 90%)

Goal is 3 or more reps on each leg!

Log weights lifted as well as how many reps you got on that last set!

Metcon (Time)


25 DB Renegade Rows (Push-up + Row L + Row R=1)

50 Box jumps (24″/20″)

75 DB S2O

100 Alternating DB snatches
20 minute cap

Partition as you see fit

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