
Fast Friday’s

Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD


10 Sec Hang

800M Run/Row

10 Beat Swings

PVC Routine

10 Kipping Beat Swings


Introduction to Slack-lining

How to safely step up using PVC pipe.

Attempting Stationary balance

Look forward to the horizon, not down.

How to safely dismount or fall.

Gymnastic mat under slackline

Alternates are Pistols and Situps


4 Rounds for time:

10M Handstand Walk or 3 Lateral Wall Walks or 3 Wall Walks

3 Bar Muscle Ups or 6 Strict Pull Ups or 12 Ring Rows

100M Run start w/1 Tire Flip, + 1 Balance Beam Walk (3 attempts) Fail/Alternate 12 Jumping Lunges, end w/1 Tire Flip

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