Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD
400M Run
100 Situps
10M Samson Stretch
10M Ostrich Walks
10 Single Leg Good Mornings
4 Side Lunges (each leg)
10 Skater Hops
10 Twisting Knee Raises
3 Quad Stretch Toe Touch (each leg)
Deadlifts, Unroken Reps @ % of 1RM (Double # of ab Mat situps between sets)
8 @ 81%
14 @ 68%
20 @ 60%
14 @ 60%
8 @ 60%
3 Rounds for time:
10 Sec L Hang
10 Slam Balls
10 V-Ups
10 Supermans
10 Push Ups w/leg raises
2 Tire Flips