Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
Warm Up (No Measure)
1. Movement Prep/Activation
Crossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s
5 sets (1 set every 3:00)
1:30 Ski moderate (OR Row)
10 Banded Strict Pull-Up (Or 10 Ring Rows)
15/12 Knee Push Ups
2. Workout Prep
2 sets:
5 Bench Press (build in weight)
5 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (build-in weight)
5 Ring Rows
5 Bench Dips
The Empire Strikes Back (Time)
Freedom (RX’d)
75 Bench Press (135/85)*
*Every time you break, complete
10 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (50s/35s)
-Rest 5:00-
75 Ring Rows
*Every time you break, complete
10 Bench Dips
(KG conv: 61/38 Bench, 22.5/15 DBs)
75 Bench Press (115/75)
Every time you break, complete
10 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows(35s/25s)
-Rest 5:00-
75 Ring Rows
Every time you break, complete
10 Bench Dips
(KG conv: 52/34 Bench, 15/10 DBs)
50 Dumbbell Bench Press (light)
Every time you break, complete
5 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows(light)
-Rest 5:00-
50 Ring Rows
Every time you break, complete
5 Bench Dips
No Target Time. Just lift some weight, get a good pump and have fun.
Posterior Leg Accessory (Checkmark)
10 Minute EMOM
:40 of Rower Hamstring Curls, :20 rest
:40 of Feet Elevated Glute Bridges, :20 rest
For quality, not reps.
Mobility (No Measure)
1 min lacrosse ball pec smash (each side)
1 min overhead elbow grab tricep stretch (each side)
1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)