
Swamp City WOD – Sun, May 12

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Workout Option 1

Trisha Yearwood (Time)

Freedom (RX’d)


Burpee to Bar (6in)

50 Single Unders after each set



Burpee to Bar

35 Single Unders after each set



Up Down

30 Single Unders after each set

Target time: 8-10 minutes

Time cap: 15 minutes

Workout Option 2

Option 2: Zone 2/Recovery (Checkmark)

On a 60 Minute Clock @ Zone 2 Pace or Nasal Breathing

2 Mile Run

In remaining time cycle through the following until the 60 minutes are up

80/64 Cal Row

50ft Front Rack + Overhead Mixed Grip Kettlebell Walk (2×53/35) (per arm)

80/64 Cal Bike Erg (or 60/48 cal Air Bike)

25 second Hanging L-sit

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