Bonfire this Friday, 6pm WOD only, Bonfire after. Come Welcome Ed and Biz Wallace as the new owners of Swamp City Fitness!!! Come say goodbye to Jon, Maria, Luthor and Leo. It’s a Bonfire so lets have fun and invite our friends. Here is the shared google sheet for what food we all plan to bring. We plan to fill you in on all the big plans for 2024 and we hope to see you all there.
Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
Warm Up
400M Run
10 Beat Swings
10 Good Mornings
2 Slow and Lows
60 Sit Ups
10 Forward Scoops
10 Down Dog Push Ups
10 Beat Swings
400M Run
ME Deadlifts @ 45% of 1RM
16 Hex Bar/Trap Bar, Shrugs and Calf Raise (use KB if trap is busy) (Trap/45’s/35’s)(KB 70’s/53’s)
12 Squeezy Clips
12 Banded Finger Pulses
ME Deadlifts @ 60% of 1RM
16 Hex Bar/Trap Bar, Shrugs and Calf Raise (use KB if trap is busy)
12 Squeezy Clips
12 Banded Finger Pulses
ME Deadlifts @ 75% of 1RM
16 Hex Bar/Trap Bar, Shrugs and Calf Raise (use KB if trap is busy)
12 Squeezy Clips
12 Banded Finger Pulses
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
14 Min AMRAP:
2 Turkish Get Ups (each side) (35/26)
2 Up Down Mobility’s (reverse burpees)
10 Up Downs
10 Mt Climbers
2 Rope Climbs or Rope Up Downs
100M Sled Sprint