Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
Warm Up
A lot of you guys have asked for wrist warm ups so I have added one below.
40 Jumping Jacks
10 Beat Swings
10 Squats
3 Slow and Lows
10 Beat Swings
3 Quad Stretch Toe Touches (each leg)
20 Wide Mt. Climbers
Wrist stretch from the knees
Wrist Warm Up
10M Press Walks
This movement can be done in either direction based on your strength and mobility.
Press Walk Reverse
Press Walk Forward
25 Min of Muscle Up & Handstand Walk Progressions
Seated Muscle Ups
If you happen to make it to the top we need to learn how to do Dips on the Pull Up Bar. Even if you don’t make it to the top for a while we still need to start building that strength
Drill for Handstand Walking Strength
This movement can be done from the knees off the box as well.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15Min AMRAP:
6 Cleans (135/85)
8 Burpee Box Overs (24/20)
10 Alternating Sing Arm DB Snatches (45/30)
12 Alternating V-Ups