
Swamp City WOD – Wed, Jun 7

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD

Warm Up

200 meter Row

10 Beat Swings

10 Meter Toy Soldier

10 Meter Overhead Walking Lunges with 10/15# plate

5 Inch Worms with a toe touch

10 Scapular Pull-ups

5 Slow and Lows

10 Banded Lat Pull-downs

10 Banded Face Pulls


Week 5 of 9:

25 Min to Perform the following as a Superset at 70% of 95% of Your 1RM:

Bench Press

Push Press


Sprints Increase Intensity with each warm up round including the 5×5 rounds once you get to weight. Recommend Starting at 60% intensity.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


20 Minute AMRAP:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Squats

5 Pull-ups

10 Thrusters (95/65)
Police Officer Arthur “Artie” Lopez, 29, of Babylon Village, New York, was killed in the line of duty on OCT 23, 2012. Officer Lopez, a decorated eight-year veteran of the force, was serving on the Emergency Services Unit at the Nassau County Police Department at the time of his death. He kept himself in peak physical condition for the job as a member of CrossFit Merrick in Bellmore, New York. Fran and Cindy were among his Favorite.

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