
Tuesday 3/2/21

Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD


40 Jumping Jacks

10 Squats

10 Lunges

10M Burpee Broad Jump

40 Jumping Jacks

10 Squats

6 Samson Stretch

10M Burpee Broad Jump

40 Jumping Jacks


Warm up with empty bar 10, Muscle Cleans, 10 Front Squats

3 Stage Cleans, High Hang, Low Hang, Full Clean

Work up to the heaviest you can perform as a complex of 2 rounds.

Complete 3 complexes at that weight.


3 Rounds:

8 double KB Box Step Ups

10 Push Ups

12 Slam Balls

14 V-Ups

16 Dubs or 40 Singles

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