
Tuesday 9-11 Remembrance

Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD


40 Jumping Jacks

4 Stationary Inchworms

Assualt Bike (15/12)

10M Samson Stretches

4 Slow and Lows

4 Quad Stretch Toe Touches (each leg)

10M Froggers

10M Burpee Broad Jumps

10 Beat Swings


9-11 Partner Wod

3 Partner Teams:

Run/Walk/Carry 1 Sandbag and 1 Wallball between 3 People (trade off as much as you need but do not set the sandbag or the wallball down)

From back gate at the gym to Parking Garage in Celebration Pointe and back.

At Parking Garage make 2 full circles up the stairs across and back down carrying sandbag and wallballs

Complete 11 Burpees (one person at a time while your partners continue to hold the gear)

On the way back only, the partner with the wallball must Lunge the length of the bridge, exchange the wallball as you get tired.

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