Primus Fitness – PrimusFit
Warm Up
200m Run
10 Air Squats
10 Lunges
Empty Barbell:
10 Strict Press
10 Push Press
10 Behind the Neck Push Press
10 Behind the Neck Push Jerk
Split Jerk
1st Set: 5 @ 65%
2nd Set: 5 @ 75 %
3rd Set: 5 @ 80%
Push Jerk
1st Set: 3 @ 75%
2nd Set: 3 @ 85%
3rd Set: 3 @ 90%
15min AMRAP
5 OHS 95/65
10 T2B
15 push ups
400m run
Rx+: plyo push ups, 135/95 OHS
Core cashout: SLOW & CONTROLLED
3 rounds :40/:20
DB toe reaches 35+/20+
Leg raises
DB Russian twist