
12 Days until the race

Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD


400M Run

10M Samson Stretches

10M Inch Worms

10M Duck Walk

10M Forward Scops

10Sec Hang

4 Quad Stretch Toe Touch

30 Sec Calf Stretches

4 Side Lunges (each leg)

10 Beat Swings

8 Jumping Squats

20 Moutain Climbers

20 Skater Hops

10 Kipping Beat Swings


Warm up for Sprints, distance is center of culdesac to neighbors mailbox on the right

2 Medium Speed Sprints

1 minute rest between warm up sets and 1:30 between actual sprint sets

4 sets of Sprints


Double Baseline (Time)

Double Baseline

500M Run or Row

40 Squats

30 Sit Ups

20 Push Ups

10 Pull Ups or 10 Burpees

500M Run or Row

40 Squats

30 Sit Ups

20 Push Ups

10 Pull Ups or 10 Burpees

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