
Cardio Thursday, June 10, 2021

Swamp City Fitness – All Day Swamp City WOD


16 minute AMRAP of Thor’s Hammer

Thor’s Hammer

KB Farmer Carries around the rig x 2-HEAVY


12 Squeezy Clips

Barbell Carries (95/65)

Reverse curls


Skill-Pull Up/Kips/Muscle Ups

Working on kipping beat swings-aggressive positions on the bar

For a pull-up, remember: pull into the bar and press away

If you have kipping pull-ups, work on butterfly kip.

If you have butterfly kip, work on strict pull-ups.

Muscle up practice if you are proficient at the various kips



10 push-ups

20 American KBS (53/35)

10 push-ups

30 sit-ups

20 American KBS (53/35)

10 push-ups

40 goblet squats (53/35)

30 sit-ups

20 American KBS (53/35)

10 push-up

50 KB step-ups (53/35)

40 goblet squats (53/35)

30 sit-ups

20 American KBS (53/35)

10 push-up

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