Swamp City Fitness – Swamp City WOD
200m run
PVC routine
:10 hang
10 good mornings
10 beat swings
5 slow and lows
10 cossack squats
Wendler Week 1 of Back Rack Lunges-use 35% of your 1RM back squat as your “1RM lunge”
Take that number and take 90% of that, and that will be the number you base your percentages off.
We did work up to a heavy set of 2 lunges/leg on 8/30/2021. You can use that number as your 1RM if you have it logged somewhere.
See Monday’s post for more info on the cycle.
Back Rack Lunge (5/leg @ 65%)
Back Rack Lunge (5/leg @ 75%)
Back Rack Lunge (5+/leg @ 85%)
Log how many reps you got!!! Shooting for 5 or more on each leg!!!
Metcon (Time)
20 RFT
5 Wall Balls (20/14)
3 Deadlifts (115/85)
1 Cluster (Squat Clean Thruster) (115/85)
18 minute cap